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Creating an LGBTQ+ Caring, Sensitive & Inclusive Program
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Category: Workshop

(90-minute webinar – available live or on-demand)
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
3:00 - 4:30 PM Eastern

Does your agency provide a compassionate, culturally sensitive, and inclusive care environment for your LGBTQ+ patients and/or family members? If not, do you know how to improve in this area? Do you understand the unique challenges, including those posed by different age groups? This program will address many of the obstacles you may encounter from various sources and provide best practices to improve care. 


  • Define the acronyms and terminology in use today
  • Identify four obstacles/situations that may present unique challenges for members of the “LGB” community plus another four for members of the “TQ+” community
  • Differentiate between dynamics related to seniors versus younger LGBTQ+
  • Gauge your organization’s commitment and motivation to address potential obstacles and increase inclusivity
  • Assess individual and team obstacles to providing higher levels of care to these populations
  • Differentiate three methods to significantly address organizational, team, and individual obstacles
  • Define three best practices to improve care

WEBINAR DETAILS:  Fear of discrimination and negative past experiences are just a few of the potential obstacles faced when caring for people from the LGBTQ+ communities. Additional impediments may be systemic within the organization, including non-inclusive information, resources, and processes; unprepared staff or volunteers; and team members who may not be the best fit. This webinar will focus on resolving potential obstacles in the hospice and palliative care environments when the goal is LGBTQ+ inclusivity and providing high-level care.


WHO SHOULD ATTEND?  This informative session is designed for senior leadership and managers in both hospice and palliative care. All members of the IDT will benefit from learning more about this important, timely topic.


  • Organizational assessment exercise to determine current strengths and areas that may need attention related to caring for members of the LGBTQ+ communities
  • Team assessment exercise
  • Individual assessment exercise
  • Suggested training curriculums for staff and volunteers
  • Organizational checklist for key areas of concern
  • Links to additional learning opportunities
  • Handout with additional lecture notes
  • Training log
  • PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
  • Attendance certificate provided, however there are no pre-approved CEs associated with this webinar

NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other agencies or those not employed by your agency is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

MEET THE PRESENTER:  Gary Gardia, LCSW, APHSW-C, Gary Gardia Inc.

Over 40 years ago, Gary began his hospice career as a volunteer. Since then, he has worked in many capacities leading a variety of teams and departments, including volunteers, social workers, bereavement, and education. A frequent presenter and keynote speaker at state and national conferences, Gary works as a consultant for various businesses and healthcare organizations.

Gary holds master’s degrees in both education and social work and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He also holds the new Advanced Palliative Hospice Social Worker Certification (APHSW-C). Gary received the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s (NHPCO) Heart of Hospice Award for developing innovative programs to meet the needs of caregivers and the bereaved and is the recipient of the national Social Work Hospice and Palliative Network (SWHPN) Award of Excellence in Professional Education. He also served as the Executive Director of the Advanced Palliative Hospice Social Work certification organization.

Registration Fee:     Member- $159          Non-member- $229
There are no cancellations or refunds
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