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Guiding Caregivers Through Difficult & Meaningful Conversations
Thursday, October 10, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM EST
Category: Workshop

(90-minute webinar – available live or on-demand)
Thursday, October 10, 2024
3:00 - 4:30 PM Eastern

Hospice care always presents its share of challenges, but with the median length of stay down to a bare 17 days, there’s less time to meet critical goals. That reduced timeframe puts added pressure on staff. This webinar will help caregivers engage clients in specific, crucial conversations regarding denial, learned helplessness, and avoidance. With caregiver burnout increasing, this session will reduce stress by guiding them in these difficult, but necessary conversations.


  • Define “caregiver trauma”
  • Discuss five challenges that can complicate caregiver grief
  • Demonstrate two evidence-based skills that can be used when people are “guarded” or uncooperative
  • Explain one method to employ when people say, “We don’t want dad to know he is dying”
  • Distinguish between denial, learned helplessness, and cultural barriers

WEBINAR DETAILS: The most recent numbers from NHPCO show that 24% of all hospice admissions are people with cancer and 24% are people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related disorders. The data also shows that the median length of stay has dropped to just 17 days. This means that care is more challenging and there is less time to accomplish important goals.

It’s also true that caregiver stress, burnout, and trauma have increased. It is more important than ever to refine your skill set to maneuver around all these challenges, which include denial as a coping strategy, learned helplessness, and avoidance related to culture and religious traditions. This webinar will address these topics and more to specifically guide caregivers through those important and meaningful conversations.


WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This informative session is designed for all members of the interdisciplinary caregiving team. People in leadership positions will also find the content beneficial.


  • Individual and team self-assessment exercise
  • Discussion guide to be used with all team members and management
  • Interventions checklist
  • Handout with additional information, lecture notes, and resources
  • Training log
  • PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
  • Attendance certificate provided


Creative Programming for Caregivers & the Bereaved on Thursday, November 7, 2024

NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other agencies or those not employed by your agency is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

MEET THE PRESENTER:  Gary Gardia, LCSW, APHSW-C, Gary Gardia Inc.

Over 40 years ago, Gary began his hospice career as a volunteer. Since then, he has worked in many capacities leading a variety of teams and departments, including volunteers, social workers, bereavement, and education. A frequent presenter and keynote speaker at state and national conferences, Gary works as a consultant for various businesses and healthcare organizations.

Gary holds master’s degrees in both education and social work and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He also holds the new Advanced Palliative Hospice Social Worker Certification (APHSW-C). Gary received the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization’s (NHPCO) Heart of Hospice Award for developing innovative programs to meet the needs of caregivers and the bereaved and is the recipient of the national Social Work Hospice and Palliative Network (SWHPN) Award of Excellence in Professional Education. He also served as the Executive Director of the Advanced Palliative Hospice Social Work certification organization.

Registration fee:     Member-$159          Non-member- $219

There are no cancellations or refunds.

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