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Conducting an Effective Emergency Preparedness Tabletop Exercise
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Category: Workshop

(60-minute webinar – available live or on-demand)
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
3:00 -4:00 PM Eastern

Emergency preparedness is serious business – and must be tested regularly. There are different ways to achieve this, but for agencies that can’t attend outside events, tabletop exercises can be invaluable. This helpful program will detail the requirements for tabletop testing to ensure you meet the requirements and enhance your emergency response program. 


  • Identify requirements and documentation for testing an emergency preparedness plan
  • Test an emergency plan using a tabletop exercise
  • Explain tabletop exercise requirements, including documentation of the event
  • Effectively use a disaster critique to identify potential improvement areas

WEBINAR DETAILS: Your emergency preparedness plan must be tested annually and every two years a community-based exercise, facility-based exercise, mock disaster drill, or tabletop exercise must be completed. This testing must be documented in the emergency plan. Many agencies are unable to participate in community events and opt to utilize tabletop exercises – but do they meet the testing requirements? This webinar will review the testing and documentation requirements for emergency preparedness, including requirements specific to tabletop exercises. You’ll learn how tabletop exercise scenarios are chosen, created, documented, and used to improve your emergency response.


WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This informative session is designed for senior leaders, managers, and QAPI/compliance leaders.


  • Disaster critique event log
  • Training log
  • PDF of slides and speaker’s contact info for follow-up questions
  • Attendance certificate provided, however there are no pre-approved CEs associated with this webinar


Emergency Preparedness:
Creating & Maintaining an Effective, Integrated & Communicated Plan & Program
 originally presented on Wednesday, June 26, 2024

NOTE: All materials are subject to copyright. Transmission, retransmission, or republishing of any webinar to other agencies or those not employed by your agency is prohibited. Print materials may be copied for eligible participants only.

MEET THE PRESENTER: Diane Link, RN, MHA, Link Healthcare Advantage, LLC

Diane Link has over 30 years of home health and hospice experience and is a registered nurse. She has a master’s in healthcare administration with a green belt in Lean Six Sigma. She is the owner of Link Healthcare Advantage, LLC, a nationwide consulting firm. A consultant for nearly 10 years, her experience includes a variety of roles in home health and hospice from field nurse to executive director and surveyor. Diane is a published author and is known in the healthcare community for her unique, informative presentations on industry regulations and hot topics.

Registration fee:     Member- $159          Non-Member- $219

There are no cancellations or refunds.

CLICK HERE to register